Carelessly preparing USCIS immigration forms can delay processing or even get the request denied. Here are some key tips to avoid rejections, requests for evidence, and denial notices.…Continue Reading →
As a general rule, U.S. tax law applies to you if you live in the United States or spend a significant amount of time here. And income taxes can affect immigration status.…Continue Reading →
Like a startup visa (but different), the international entrepreneur parole program allows foreign nationals to build a U.S. startup.…Continue Reading →
The immigration backlog at the NVC has gotten bad. Here’s what happened over the past year and what you can expect for 2023 to ease the green card log jam.…Continue Reading →
Removal proceedings, also known as deportation proceedings, are an extremely serious matter. The U.S. government is starting a legal process that could result in the…Continue Reading →
The U.S. government’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows people to gain access to information held by the government. This right extends to immigration. You…Continue Reading →
The United States has long been a destination for economic opportunity. Immigrants have a significant history in American business as contributors and creators. They have…Continue Reading →