Future Immigration Policy: Compare a World with a Harris or Trump Presidency

Immigration News

Biden and Trump debate the future of U.S. immigration policy

The presidential election between Vice President Harris and former President Trump is coming up in November. It will likely have a major impact on how the government handles people coming to live in the United States from other countries. One of the most important issues for many people is immigration policy. We have the advantage of being able to evaluate the candidates based on their track records in office. Both the Biden-Harris and Trump-Pence administrations have implemented policies, and it is likely that they will continue to follow similar approaches if elected again. This allows us to make an informed comparison of their potential future actions. Let’s take a look at what immigration policy might look like depending on who wins the election.

President Biden’s Immigration Policy

The Biden-Harris administration has made many changes to immigration policy since taking office. As a part of that administration, Harris believes in making the system fairer and more welcoming. Here are some key points about what Harris’s immigration policy might look like if she is elected as President of the United States:

  • Family Reunification

    Vice President Harris wants to make it easier for families to stay together. The administration has worked to speed up the process for family members of U.S. citizens and green card holders to come to the United States through the family-based immigration system.

    Biden introducted a pathway to citizenship for certain undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens which Kamala Harris supports. The administration is currently implementing an expansion of the parole in place program to accommodate undocumented certain spouses and children. It will provide a lawful immigration status and a path to citizenship.

  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers

    The Biden-Harris administration has focused on rebuilding and modernizing the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which had been weakened under the Trump administration. They have also increased the number of refugees allowed into the country. Vice President Harris believes in providing protection for people fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries. She also supported the reversal of strict asylum policies put in place by the Trump administration.

  • DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)

    Kamala Harris strongly supports DACA, advocating for the protection and expansion of the program. She backs extending Affordable Care Act coverage to DACA recipients and facilitating their path to legal residency and citizenship. Harris emphasizes the contributions of Dreamers to the U.S. and supports legislative efforts to secure their permanent status.

  • Border Security

    Vice President Harris supports President Biden's position on strong border security. During her time in the administration, Harris has focused on improving economic conditions, combating corruption, and enhancing security in the Northern Triangle countries (Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador) to reduce the need for people to migrate.

Former President Trump’s Immigration Policy

Former President Trump had a very different approach to immigration. If he is re-elected, it’s likely that he will return to many of his previous policies. Here are some key points about what Trump’s immigration policy might look like:

  • Strict Enforcement

    Trump is known for his strict immigration enforcement. He believes in strong measures to stop illegal immigration. This includes increasing deportations of all undocumented immigrants and hiring more Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers.

  • Border Wall

    One of Trump’s most infamous policies was building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. He believes that a physical barrier is necessary to prevent illegal immigration. If re-elected, he might continue building the wall.

  • Limiting Legal Immigration

    Trump supports reducing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country. He believes in prioritizing immigrants who have special skills that benefit the U.S. economy. This is known as a merit-based immigration system.

  • Ending DACA

    Trump tried to end the DACA program during his presidency. If he is re-elected, he might try again. This would put many young immigrants, often called “Dreamers,” at risk of deportation.

  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers

    Trump significantly reduced the number of refugees allowed into the country. He also implemented strict rules for asylum seekers, making it much harder for them to stay in the U.S. if they are fleeing danger in their home countries.

Comparing Harris and Trump’s Policies

Let’s compare the two candidates’ policies side by side to see the differences and similarities:

Policy AreaVice President HarrisFormer President Trump
Family ReunificationWants to make it easier for families to stay together, supports a pathway for certain undocumented immigrants to gain lawful statusNo specific focus on family reunification, generally opposes pathway and supports strict enforcement and deportations
Refugees and Asylum SeekersIncreased the number of refugees, more welcoming asylum policiesReduced the number of refugees, stricter asylum rules
DACASupports DACA, wants to make it permanentTried to end DACA, might try again
Border SecurityFocus on technology and management, humane treatment at borderFocus on building a border wall, strict enforcement
EnforcementRemoval efforts focused on individuals with criminal historyBroad effort to deport all undocumented and immigrants with criminal history
Legal ImmigrationSupports increasing legal immigrationSupports reducing legal immigration, merit-based system

What the 2024 Election Means for the Future

Depending on who wins the election, the future of immigration in the United States could look very different.

  • If Vice President Harris is elected, we can expect a more welcoming approach to immigration. There could be more opportunities for undocumented immigrants to become citizens and more support for refugees and asylum seekers. Families might find it easier to reunite, and DACA recipients would likely continue to be protected. Border security would still be important, but with a focus on humane treatment and smart technology.
  • If former President Trump is elected, we can expect a return to stricter immigration policies. This would mean more enforcement and deportations, continued efforts to build the border wall, and fewer legal immigrants allowed into the country. Refugees and asylum seekers would face more challenges, and the DACA program could be at risk.

Immigration policy is a crucial issue in the upcoming presidential election. Kamala Harris and Donalod Trump have very different views on how the U.S. should handle immigration. Therefore, it’s important to understand these differences so you can make an informed decision when you vote. No matter what, remember that every vote counts, and it’s up to us to shape the future of our country.

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