Declaration of Financial Support (Form I-134)
What are the K-1 visa income requirements?
Before the U.S. embassy or consulate will grant a K-1 visa to a foreign national, the U.S. citizen petitioner must prove that he or she can meet the K-1 visa income requirements. … Continue Reading →
What is the income requirement for an I-134 supporter?
In order to support a non-immigrant visitor with Form I-134, you’ll need to meet certain income requirements. If you have insufficient income, you’ll need to demonstrate that you have substantial property and assets. … Continue Reading →
Do all K-1 visa applicants require Form I-134 at the interview?
Not all K-1 visa applicants need Form I-134, Declaration of Financial Support. Learn how to determine if you need this form based on U.S. embassy requirements, financial factors, and consular officer discretion.… Continue Reading →
2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines for Sponsors, Explained
If you’re sponsoring a green card applicant or other foreign national for a visa (K-1, B-2, etc.), your qualifications are based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines. … Continue Reading →
Employment Verification Letter for Immigration Forms
When submitting various immigration forms (such as Form I-864 or Form I-134), you may need to include an employment verification letter to demonstrate that the intending immigrant or visitor has adequate financial support.… Continue Reading →
How do I prove income when I am self-employed?
Income from self-employment can be more difficult to document on immigration forms like the Affidavit of Support (I-864 and I-134). We’ll show you how.… Continue Reading →
Am I required to list my property and assets on Form I-134?
If your income is not sufficient to qualify as a sponsor on Form I-134, you can potentially bridge the gap by listing property and assets.
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What are the obligations of the I-134 supporter?
The financial supporter who signs an I-134 Declaration of Financial Support is agreeing to certain obligations until the non-immigrant departs the U.S.… Continue Reading →
Which supporting documents should I submit with Form I-134?
When submitting Form I-134 (Declaration of Financial Support), you will also need to evidence your qualifications as a supporter with supporting documents.
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How to Write a Invitation Letter for a U.S. Visitor Visa
Many people applying for a B-2 visitor visa want to include an invitation letter from the American host. We have provided a sample invitation letter for a visitor visa.… Continue Reading →